Is it some kind of dream of Dylan Avery's which makes him believe Rose Arce could be at 3 places at once? Which makes him believe she took the Whitehall "Ghostplane" footage but that she just doesn't mention it in any published or extant interview?
Dylan Avery lost a debate about Rose Arce. He claimed she was the person who captured the Whitehall "Ghostplane" footage. But if that were true, she'd have to be three places at once. She is already reported to be in two places - at the moment the "2nd impact" hit the South Trade Tower.
Such a capture is worth a lot of money. Abraham Zapruder's family received hundreds of thousands of dollars for the rights to the video he took of the Kennedy Assassination. Are we supposed to believe that whoever took it, their name is not known? Are we supposed to believe it was taken by a CNN executive? Is Avery really that gullible? And is she the same Rose Arce who was on the phone with the TV Stations being interviewed indoors and who didn't see the plane hit... ?
Mybe Dylan has become more conservative and wants to play it safe now that he's gotten famous? Or maybe he was meant to sit on the important information all along.
Avery claimed a CNN special, "CNN America Remembers" was evidence to the "fact" Rosa Arcs was the person who took this shot:
Kudos and Credits go to "still Diggin'" who did the original research on Rose Arce on which I based my writing: 9/11 Eyewitness Report Cards, Installment I: Rose Arce
Click to enlarge and read:
From Still Diggn's profile of Rose Arce:
The first video is from ground zero after the WTC2 explosions. In the clip below, Rose is interviewed by Daryn Kagan for about 2 minutes from Video Run Time (VRT) 3:30 to 5:30.
Rose Arce CNN interview Sept. 11, 2001
Since when are small children, "things that don't move?"
Instead, she specifically says “… and when they saw the second plane…”
[This insight and research is from still diggn']
9/11 Eyewitness Report Cards, Installment I: Rose Arce
[QUOTE=dylan avery,May 10 2007, 09:17 AM][QUOTE=vasudha,May 10 2007, 08:16 AM] From where did you get your info, Dylan?
If you do have an "in" with Arce and somehow know her, as you seemed to have insinuated on the radio show tonight, me and some people I work with would be more than interested to speak with and interview her? Did you hear directly from her that she shot some footage from Battery Park? Or did you hear that second hand?
Dylan responds:
Are you deaf? I explained several times last night.
CNN, America Remembers. It's on DVD.
I have no "ins", you are simply delusional.[/QUOTE]
Ok, I just looked at the CNN clip.
Rose Arce never says, or even slightly implies, in the CNN "America Remembers" Special, that she took the CNN exclusive video of the second "hit," taken from Battery Park. Though the CNN Exclusive is shown in that Special juxtaposed with an interview with her.
That's it.
Here is the transcript.
Here's a copy of the transcript to joggle Dylan's memory:
"ROSE ARCE, CNN PRODUCER: When I got outside, I saw everybody was like looking up toward the sky and I started running downtown toward the building and I got maybe a block or two before I saw there was a motorist stopped on the corner, so I jumped up to her window and just waved my CNN ID in her face and said "Give me a ride. Give me a ride," and she let me in the car.
I got within a few blocks of the World Trade Center when suddenly there was this second sort of roar that came out of the sky and everyone just looked right up and another plane came and just barreled into the other tower. At first I thought I'm dreaming. Oh my God, this can't be. This hasn't happened.
I looked up and the first thing I thought is my God a plane is flying so low in a big city with these tall buildings. What's it doing so low? There was a schoolyard across the street and I remember there were kids that were being evacuated from the schoolyard and one of the girls looked up in the sky and she said to her father: "Daddy, look they're doing it on purpose.""
All of which kind of makes sense, considering she is also telling people she was just getting to within a few blocks of the Tower, just when the second "plane" hit and considering the "Exclusive" shot was taken from the water's edge - which I explained in my previous post.
I assume Avery either did not read it, or decided, by force of will, that it must be wrong without thinking too much about it.
Also, according to this article she is in an Apt. with strangers for the use of a phone.
So otherwise, if she did take the CNN exclusive, she would be "Triple Girl," at three places at once.
Dylan's brain must've just filled-in that wrong info when he watched the Special - maybe because he were so filled with emotion? And that has given him false-memory syndrome?
If Dylan has another version of the CNN Special, where she says or implies different, I suggest he posts it, otherwise we will considered him wrong. [His reply was to lock me out of the discussion.]
But as I said, even if you are right and another version of the CNN Special does exist...there is still the problem of her presence at three places at once.
This on-line article of hers, does not mention that Arce took any shot, in fact it has the camera in the hands of her host. Only mentioning that she was at some stranger's apt , who had cameras, and that they were concerned to keep the children away from the windows.
"I met Jim and his wife, Julie, and their kids that day because I needed a phone to call CNN."
She says she met the couple since she needed to use the phone to call CNN. Though in the voice interview of her from the CNN archive, she is speaking from the street.
Couple things. One:: I think you are confusing "Battery Park" with "Battery Park City." Those are two separate places. The place from where the CNN exclusive was taken was a park, no apartments or buildings. She could not have taken that video from anyone's apartment. No one could.
There is a CNN interview with her from the archives, which you can find here in which Arce does not mention seeing the "plane" but specifically says, "when they saw the 2nd plane."
I researched that CNN Exclusive shot you got so angry about, the one you banned "Killtown" over, the one you called him a liar about, and the one you called me "deluded" for .......trying to break through your fantasy world to the truth.
Walked around to find the spot where it must have been taken. Gone on a ferry ride to show it wasn't taken from there. Gone on three separate trips to that park and thought about it a lot.
The place where that shot was taken... a shot which is highly zoomed and tightly cropped, is on the edge of the land right at the water.
If you have another version of that Special where she says or implies anything different, I suggest you post that, otherwise we must assume you wrong.
I researched that shot. Iwalked around to find the spot where it must have been taken, went on a ferry ride to show it wasn't taken from there - went on three separate trips to that park and have thought about it a lot.
Rose not only does not make sense in her article:
"They take still photos for a living, of smiling children and stuff like shiny fruit. Jim calls his subjects 'things that don't move.'" Arce says in the article, not making sense.
Since when are small children, "things that don't move?"
Whoever is reading this and is not paying attention must be lulled into some kind of emotional trance, where logic doesn't matter and where it's just the sound of the words which are important.
Arce also claims to be at two or three places at once. (Two or three, depending on if the CNN special Dylan cites really has her saying she took the CNN exclusive.)
The place where that shot was taken... a shot which is highly zoomed and tightly cropped is on the edge of the land right at the water.